CARE Introductory Workshop (English & Türkçe) (Reduced Fee)

26–28 June 2020
"Deepen your Mindfulness and compassion skills in therapy and meditation with insights from systems science!"
Introductory workshops are valuable stand-alone experiences to learn and practice systemic-centered therapy joyfully. Join us for a fun week-end adventure!

The CARE Training is a certifying training with the USABP!



About the Introductory Workshop

NeuroSystemics offers an integrative scientific pathway to handle a range of conditions including trauma, depression, anxiety and addiction. Combining wisdom traditions, state of the art neuroscience and systemic understanding, this introductory Workshop will focus the benefits of mindfulness and compassion practices as systemic therapy interventions. There will be opportunities to explore psycho-spiritual frames of therapy and develop key skills in attention and emotion regulation.

Objectives & Benefits

This Introductory Workshop will offer you:

  • Skills to up-regulate your nervous system: Experiential practices of Mindfulness and compassion to deepen your capacity for attentional and emotion regulation.
  • Pedagogical maps & learning  frameworks: An understanding of contemplative practices within a systemics frame and the potential for societal engagement and transformation.
  • Live demonstrations and opportunities for discussion.

Is the CARE Training for me?

  • Therapists, clinicians, psychologists, doctors, psychiatrists, social workers, yoga teachers, health-practitioners, meditation & MBSR-MBCT teachers and educators interested in a meta-conceptual frame and methods to deepen optimize their practice.
  • New or experienced meditation practitioners who would like to deepen their practice with a bio-psychosocial frame on their internal experience.
  • Community-lovers who would like to be a part of a participative, co-creative and caring circle of friends and companions.
  • Individuals who enjoy teachings about Mindfulness as a spiritual practice and a deepening of embodiment through neurobiological understanding and scientific insights.
  • Professionals in the helping professions and networks of NGO’s searching for empowerment in relation to the climate crisis, social and health issues.


  • Friday 26.6: 7-9pm TRT /6-8pm CEST
  • Saturday  27.6: 11am-1pm TRT  / 10am-12pm CEST
  • Sunday 28.6: 11am-1pm TRT  / 10am-12pm CEST


€50 (reduced  fee), Please scroll down for registration.

The price is highly reduced off and if the price is still too high for you, please feel free to make a donation of your choice ( and mention in the comments  section that you are registering for this intro. We do not wish to prevent anyone from coming to our trainings because of financial difficulties. We CARE!

CARE  Training

The CARE training (Compassionate Complexity, Awakening, Resiliency & Empowerment) is a transformative 3-year journey to learn and practice essential life and therapeutic skills in the midst of a nourishing community.

All participants registered in the CARE training will receive, free of charge, access to the NeuroSystemics Series “Integrative keys for resiliency, empowerment and awakening”, a 15-hour presentation which includes all the core concepts, maps and practices of NeuroSystemics.

For more information about the CARE training, click here!




Tanıtım Atölyesi Hakkında

NeuroSystemics, travma, depresyon, anksiyete ve bağımlılık gibi çeşitli durumları ele almak için bütüncül bir bilimsel yol sunar. Bu Atölye, kadim bilgelik geleneklerini, en son sinirbilim bulgularını ve sistemler yaklaşımını birleştirerek, sistemik terapi müdahaleleri olarak bilinen Mindfulness ve şefkat pratiklerinin faydalarına odaklanacaktır. Atölyede ayrıca terapinin psiko-spiritüel çerçevelerini keşfinde ve dikkat ve duygu düzenlemesinde kullanılan anahtar becerileri geliştirme fırsatları yer alacaktır.

Hedefler & Faydalar

Bu Atölye size,

  • Sinir sisteminizi regüle edici beceriler: Dikkat ve duygu düzenleme kapasitenizin derinleştirmek için Mindfulness ve şefkat pratiklerini deneyimleme,
  • Pedagojik haritalar ve öğrenme çerçeveleri: Sistemik bir çerçeveye dayalı derin düşünce anlayışı ile sosyal ilişkilenme ve dönüşüm potansiyeli,
  • Canlı demolar ve tartışma fırsatları sunacaktır.

CARE Eğitimi benim için mi?

  • Terapistler, klinisyenler, psikologlar, doktorlar, psikiyatristler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, yoga eğitmenleri, sağlık çalışanları, meditasyon ve MBSR-MBCT eğitmenleri ve meta-kavramsal bir çerçeveye ilgi duyan ve uygulamalarını derinleştirmek isteyen eğitmenler.
  • Uygulamalarını, iç deneyimlerine yönelik bir biyopsikososyal çerçeve ile derinleştirmek isteyen yeni veya deneyimli meditasyon uygulayıcıları.
  • Katılımcı, ortak yaratan ve ilgili bir arkadaş ve yoldaş çemberinin parçası olmak isteyen “topluluk severler”.
  • Mindfulness öğretilerini, hem spiritüel bir pratik hem de nörobiyolojik bir anlayış ve bilimsel bulgular yoluyla bedenselleşmenin derinleşmesi olarak gören bireyler.
  • Yardım sunan meslek dallarında veya iklim krizi, sosyal sorunlar ve sağlık sorunları alanında çalışan STK ağlarında görev yapan ve çalıştıkları alanlarda güçlenme arayışında olan profesyoneller.

Tarih ve Saatler:

  • 26 Haziran 2020, Cuma: 19:00-21:00 TRT / 6-8pm CEST
  • 27 Haziran 2020, Cumartesi: 11:00-13:00 TRT / 10am-12pm CEST
  • 28 Haziran 2020, Pazar: 11:00-13:00 TRT / 10am-12pm CEST


€50. Finansal zorlukların, eğitimimize katılımızı engellemesini istemiyoruz. Bu yüzden katılmak istiyor ancak bu ücret size uygun gelmiyorsa, açıklama kısmına “Intro” yazarak belirlediğiniz miktarda bağış yapabilirsiniz:

CARE Eğitimi

CARE Eğitimi (Şefkat, Uyanış, Dayanıklılık ve Güçlenme) besleyici bir topluluğun arasında temel yaşamsal ve terapötik becerilerin uygulanmasına yönelik 3 yıllık dönüştürücü bir yolculuktur.

CARE Eğitimi’ne kayıtlı tüm katılımcılar, NeuroSystemics Serisi’nin tüm temel kavramlarını, haritalarını ve uygulamalarını içeren 15 saatlik bir sunum olan “NeuroSystemics Serisi: Dayanıklılık, Güçlenme ve Uyanış için Bütünleştirici Anahtarlara” ücretsiz olarak erişebilecekler.

Daha fazla bilgi için buraya tıklayın!


Boaz B. Feldman, Founder of NeuroSystemics Dharma

Boaz is a practical visionary, an experienced psychologist, Dharma teacher and clinical trainer acting for worldwide positive change. He has trained in Mindfulness as a monk and at university in MBSR/MBCT in Oxford/Bangor and graduated from the Bodhi College with Stephen & Martine Batchelor as mentors. Boaz now teaches Dharma in the Western Insight Meditation Tradition and feels passionate about re-enchanting and sacralizing our lives and societies through science-informed psycho-spiritual practice.

Heath Wilson, Faculty (NSP)

Working over 25 years, Heath weaves his expertise as a psychologist, trauma healer, rolf practitioner, craniosacral therapist, enneagram consultant, dating/relationship coach, and has also been trained  in Somatic Experiencing.


Banu Çeçen

Banu is an experienced Mindfulness Coach and giving coaching sessions. She has been studying neuroscience in which she focuses on the effects of meditation based Mindfulness program, and teaches as an ICF accreditated Mindfulness Coach.

Buğu Türkoğul, Senior Mentor (NSP)

Buğu is a Biology graduate, a Mindfulness instructor, and a certified coach giving NeuroSystemics, Organic Intelligence and Mindfulness-based life coaching sessions. Buğu’s 14-year journey through yoga, education and therapy groups inspired her to facilitate Resilience Through Community groups based on creating safe social circles that values spontaneity, authenticity and openness.

Deniz Bağan

Deniz is a meditation teacher, Organic Intelligence facilitator, and keynote speaker for mindfulness and self-compassion. She is the content creator and voice of Meditopia, the mental wellness app (30M members ww), with over 1200 mindfulness meditations. She offers her 12-week self-compassion and neuroscience based online program Resting Heart over two years.

Fulya Nanba, Senior Mentor (NSP)

Fulya is an experienced yoga and meditation teacher, and since 2015 she offers individual and group sessions for therapy and meditation, and retreats in Turkey. She has completed trainings in Family Constellation, Working with People, Leading Groups and Organic Intelligence, and attends long term meditation retreats annually in Buddhist Centers in Asia.

Nazlı Sarıyıldız, Senior Mentor (NSP)

Nazlı has been immersed in contemplative sciences for the last 15 years, staying to deepen the journey as fascinated everyday to see the interconnectedness of life. She is an experienced mindfulness/meditation teacher and giving in person or group sessions. Nazli is also trained in Organic Intelligence and Yoga currently living in Belgium.

Rebekka Haas Çetin, Assisting Faculty (NSP)

Rebekka is a Mindfulness Coach (ICF) and counsellor for both, individual and group sessions.
She is extensively trained in Organic Intelligence®, a clinical protocol for trauma resolution through shepherding nervous system states from bottom up. Her participation in NeuroSystemics expands her contribution to healing from an individual to a greater psycho-social frame through group work (RC). She is a certified yoga teacher and the co-founder of multiple yoga Studios. Her original background is in filmmaking. Rebekka is from Germany and is now living with her husband in Istanbul, they have 3 children.


  • Date: 26–28 June 2020
  • Language(s): English & Türkçe
  • Cost: €50
  • Contact:

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