Intensive In-Person Didactic Resiliency Circle Week-End with Boaz Feldman

11–13 October 2024
Boaz Feldman in a safe, experiential and systems-centred community for healing & learning the art of somatic group process facilitation!
"Increase your Social Intelligence for the Wellbeing of Yourself, Your Community and Your Clients!"

What are you relationship challenges? We all fall somewhere on the spectrum of either being introvert or extrovert, and can all learn to be more free in engaging with others. Coming from Group Psychotherapy, Resiliency Circles are experiential, process-oriented and somatically-centered groups where we collectively explore our present moment experience of being in relationship with ourselves and others.

Boaz is delighted to offer this 12-session Didactic Resiliency Circle on 11-13 October 2024 as an opportunity to heal, identify your relational patterns and build more secure attachment capacity in a group dynamic. The didactic inputs will help to bring a professional and conceptual understanding of the group processes, and especially conceived for mental health professionals looking to build their somatic and systems practice in groups.

Here at NeuroSystemics, indeed we are interested in finding out what is meaningful and how to bring that about in your life, but we also utilize the latest understanding of system science and neurobiological process to foster a sense of calm, security and empowerment. A Resiliency Circle is a powerful place of discovery, an invitation to step into the here and now with your full self in a container of safety.


Resiliency Circles

NeuroSystemicsTM is a community-based methodology bridging ancient wisdom traditions, evolutionary neurosciences and systemic understanding to offer an integrative path to resilient healing and meaningful living.

Resiliency Circles (RC) offer a unique environment to experience a safe, enjoyable and educational relational space.

Before joining the RC, you will be guided to formulate a specific relational intention/goal, which will help to support you in developing the most relevant and important next steps in feeling more free and happier in relationship to yourself and others. These behavioural goals, as thex get connected with the core needs, help satisfy and embody deep developmental needs for personality and attachment growth and contribute to the RC being a learning space to experiment and learn new ways of relating

During the group, trained professionals hold a compassionate and sensitive attitude to include all the parts of everyone present – orienting towards unconditional acceptance and appreciation. The purpose of an RC is primarily for individuals to experience and integrate a sense of belonging through their nervous system; the group work involves an experiential process by including the missing and often alienated aspects of our being through the safe container held by the therapists and the quality of interaction between group members using a somatics framework. As the process unfolds, the RC’s therefore open the door to a palpable and embodied sense of peace, intimacy and connection with one another. As the group builds trust and learns to feel strong while sometimes showing vulnerability, the potential for healing, resiliency and awakening is exponential!

Practically, after a short introduction from the therapists, group members are invited to share freely whatever is on their mind/heart and there begins the free association conversation and spontaneous sharing. Each person manifests themselves differently, and the RC enables group members to embody a sense of belonging by appreciating the diversity of life experiences, points of view. Finally, as the group builds in its quality of compassion and enjoyment, it becomes a womb-like experience which supports deep nervous system regulation for all members.


A didactic Resiliency Circle:

This RC is specifically geared for mental health practitioners, group facilitators, leaders and educators wanting to learn about the RC facilitation process. In addition to the highly experiential dynamics of this RC, there will be an added component in order to enhance their embodied understanding of the RC facilitation process:

  • At the end of each session, Boaz will lead a short 10-minute didactic period to collectively explore some of the group processes which unfolded in the session. Theoretical models of groupwork (complex systems, nervous system science, humanistic psychotherapy and positive psychology) will be referred to in order to help contextualize these dynamics.


Clinically proven benefits include:

  • Somatic experiencing in group process understanding and embodiment
  • Relational attachment development through group process
  • Reduction of stress, anxiety, depression, addiction and trauma
  • Development of resiliency, emotional regulation and cognitive functioning
  • Reduction of chronic issues such as sleeping problems, chronic pain
  • Embodiment of social belonging and meaning

Who is this didactic Resiliency Circle for?

Anyone wishing to

  • Learn somatic techniques to work with groups
  • Process developmental trauma with somatic and relational regulation
  • Help your clients develop somatic embodiment and attachment resiliency through multi-person groups processes
  • Relational attachment development through group process
  • Enjoy a safe space & enrich their relational skills
  • Develop new ways of feeling empathic, non-judgmental and compassionate
  • Be seen, be heard and welcomed in a genuine atmosphere of vulnerability
  • Learn how to be in groups with greater levels of ease, comfort and confidence
  • Form meaningful relationships


Continuity is essential for the development and growth of all group members, and we expect you to be present for every sessions without exception. Of course, life happens and emergencies sometimes occur, but we ask that you clear your schedule and commit fully for every session if you’d like to sign up.

There are 12 sessions in total: 1 pre-RC Intention-setting interview (individual session), 10 RC sessions in person and 1 online integration session.

All sessions last 1.5hrs, with the following schedule:

  • Friday October 11th:
    • Session 1: 4:30-6pm
    • Session 2: 6:30-8pm
  • Saturday October 12th:
    • Session 3: 9-10:30am
    • Session 4: 11:am-12:30pm
    • Session 5: 2:30-4pm
    • Session 6: 4:30-6pm
  • Sunday October 14th:
    • Session 7: 9-10:30am
    • Session 8: 11:am-12:30pm
    • Session 9: 2:30-4pm
    • Session 10: 4:30-6pm
  • Sunday October 27th: Session 11 at 4-5:30pm EST


Rice Street, Cambridge 02140, Massachussetts


55 US Dollars per session.

The intention-setting interview before the group starts is accounted for in the price.

Limited spaces with lower fee may be available for those with financial difficulty, to be discussed during the Intention-setting interview.



Boaz B. Feldman, Faculty

Boaz is a practical visionary, an experienced psychologist, a Dharma teacher and trainer acting for worldwide positive change. He has worked with numerous international organisations (UNHCR, UNOCHA, WHO, Doctors Without Borders) in a variety of humanitarian contexts such as war zones (Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Myanmar), low-income contexts (Eastern Europe) and natural emergencies (Thailand). Boaz is currently a Research Scholar at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, he assisted Somatic Experiencing trainings and taught as the main faculty in Europe for Organic Intelligence, and now enjoys engineering and teaching innovative and integrative approaches at NeuroSystemics!

  • Date: 11–13 October 2024
  • Language(s): English
  • Time: See Schedule in Description
  • Cost: $55 per session (reduced fee may be available)
  • Contact:

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