3 Mart 2022
İyileşme, güçlenme ve yeteneklerinizi geliştirmeye doğru dönüştürücü bir yolculukta şefkatli topluluğumuza katılın.
CARE Eğitimi, besleyici bir topluluk ortamında, kişisel şifa ve profesyonel gelişim için biyo-psiko sosyal beceriler öğrenmek, uygulamak ve bedenselleştirmek için üç yıllık dönüştürücü bir yolculuktur.

NeuroSystemics methodology

NeuroSystemics is an integrative clinical methodology building resiliency and empowerment internally and in relationships. We focus on embodiment approaches in individual,  small group and community practices using a systems framework. It includes bio-affective (somatic), cognitive, relational and neurospiritual practices and uses meta-maps to track our clients’ states and development.

Registrations are open until CARE 2 (March 3rd 2022)!

Care 1 is completed, but you can still register for CARE 2 (and stay on if we meet your needs!). By registering now, you will

  • Have access to the online learning platform with all the recorded teaching sessions from CARE 1
  • Receive up to 2x FREE 1:1 coaching from a team mentor to help you catch up to all CARE 1 teachings & practices before CARE 2 starts
  • Be able to come all the remaining CARE 1 workshops
  • Join a mentor group of up to 6 participants, who meet regularly to discuss practices & practice!

Benefits & Key Learning

The CARE (Clinical Abilities for Resiliency & Empowerment) Training is a transformative 3-year journey to learn, practice and embody bio-psychosocial skills for personal healing and professional development in the midst of a nourishing community. There are 3 main areas of benefits:

1. Skill development:

By personally experiencing the different training activities in a safe environment, you will develop solid therapeutic skills for 1:1 sessions, group processes and community settings:

  • Develop a deep understanding of nervous system science, physiological indicators of resiliency & trauma.
  • Learn powerful somatic interventions to facilitate safe group therapy spaces, relational resiliency & group harmonization
  • Grow capacity to lead community therapy and processes to empower groups towards greater embodiment and relational attunement
  • Treat clients with a human-centered and transdiagnostic perspective, reaching to core pathological issues of depression, anxiety, addiction and PTSD.
  • Enjoy a gentle, pleasurable & solution-centered methodology with powerful positive psychology interventions
  • Become an evidence-based therapist: use methods based on cutting-edge clinical research
  • View the experiential therapeutic process of 1:1 sessions, groupwork and community therapy in action with live demonstrations.
  • Have access to your online classroom with all the recordings of your CARE training.
  • Be certified as a NeuroSystemics Practitionner (NSP) on our directory, and join the USABP:

NeuroSystemics is a USABP member, and CARE Training graduates are eligible for membership too!

2. Experiential transformation:

All training activities aim to reach our own deepseated psychobiological and relational patterns to free up one’s capacity and love for a more connected and purposeful life.

  • Get relief from stress, find lasting inner peace by understanding your own nervous system
  • Embody skills of attentional regulation, self-regulation and social regulation, for yourself & your clients
  • Strengthen your mind with regular practices of mindfulness, compassion and gratitude with playfulness
  • Find your center, root your self and empower your vision for a contented and purposeful life and work

3. Belonging:

Together, with a global and committed group of practitionners, it is possible to creating positive and empowering visions of the future:

  • You will be part of a small mentor group (6-8 participants max) and meet with them 6x 2 hours/year!
  • Meet with our all-star faculty and mentor team, including Boaz & Heath, and Molyn Leszcz (President of the American Group Psychotherapy Association) and Olga Klimecki, world-leading neuroscience researcher on compassion
  • Creatively engage with highly skilled individuals in community forums to keep refining your understanding
  • Participate in a vibrant self-organizing community where the very way in which we function as a community is a part of the methodology we teach.
  • Enjoy a multi-cultural environment, with participants coming from North America, South America, Europe, the middle East and Africa. Together we’ll make our world better!


What’s UNIQUE about CARE compared with other therapy approaches?

1. Social somatics: in the CARE Training you will learn all the nervous system science to be able to reliably assess your clients’ autonomic nervous system patterns. Additionnally, unlike with other somatic therapy approaches, you will be able to facilitate group processes harnessing the power of somatics and embodiment (Resiliency Circles). You will learn to hold and empower groups as a social organism. This is a unique aspect of NeuroSystemics, combining the amazing work of Irvin Yalom (Boaz Feldman’s mentor) with Polyvagal theory insights.

2. Highly experiential therapy: Personal session work, group processes and community therapies all have embodiment, here-and-now attention and safety-oriented interventions at their core. The CARE Training offers a unique educational space to be able to practice all 3: (i) 1:1, (ii) group and (iii) community skills experientially, and then use them with our clients, groups and communities.

3. Therapy as systemic activism: The book “100 years of the therapy and the world is getting worse” by James Hillman describes how therapy is hyper-individualistic and underrates the influence of societal culture. In our Empowerment Forum sessions, you will learn to hold community processes which tackle issues of systemics trauma and systemics resilience. That way, your 1:1 therapy practices will help with personal issues, groupwork with relational ones and community processes will heal and strengthen resilience from systemic traumitization stemming from dysfunctional aspects of our culture and society. The CARE training is the only therapy training which provides all these skills in a single training with a somatic and embodiment framework.

4. Neuro-spiritual therapy practices: A growing litterature describes ‘nature deficit-disorder’ and ’emptiness’ as damaging symptoms for our mental health. The CARE training includes rigorous conceptual frameworks and practices from eco-systemic and contemplative sciences to increase therapeutic effectiveness and respond to these 21st century challenges.



Is the CARE Training for me?

The CARE Training is for:

  • Therapists, clinicians, psychologists, doctors, psychiatrists: learn to work with the body, build solid group facilitation skills, integrate your tools in a transdiagnostic framework, include attentional and emotional regulation, explore psycho-spiritual practices.
  • New or experienced meditation practitioners and MBSR-MBCT teachers: deepen their practice with a bio-psychosocial framework to integrate  the impact of social and societal influences on individual psychological and somatic levels.
  • Corporate and community leaders and human resource managers: develop social intelligence practices, deepen attunement to others by becoming more sensitive  to somatic, affective and cognitive processes.
  • Social workers, yoga teachers, health-practitioners and educators: learn to create safe environments for learning and engaging optimally, understand nervous system functioning to  support resiliency and empowerment
  • Professionals in the helping professions and NGO’s: empowerment and inspiration in tackling social and environmental crises and injustices, prevent burnout and tackle stress optimally, engage in the mutual nourishment

The completion of a CARE week-end introductory workshop is required for registration on the CARE training program, but there are no other pre-training requirements.

3-Year Scheduling

The full CARE Training includes 6 training modules (CARE 1-6), they are all ONLINE and each of the 6 modules include:

  • 8 days full days of training (over 2 long week-ends, 2x Thurs-Sun): These are the main training sessions with lecture, demonstrations, small group practices
  • 8 hours of workshops (4 x 2h): Faculty-led workshops where participants choose what they need to receive to complete their learning (i.e. added faculty inputs, questions, practice, demonstrations)
  • 6 hours of Mentor groups (3x2h): small groups where participants will be able to discuss their learning and practice relevant skills with mentors (6-8 people per group)




CARE 1 Workshop #2
December 4 2021, Sat New York (EST): 12:30-2:30pm
Paris (CET): 6:30-8:30pm
Istanbul (TRT):  8:30-10:30pm
CARE 1 Workshop #3
January 29 2022, Sat New York (EST): 12:30-2:30pm
Paris (CET): 6:30-8:30pm
Istanbul (TRT):  8:30-10:30pm
CARE 1 Workshop #4
February 12 2022, Sat New York (EST): 12:30-2:30pm
Paris (CET): 6:30-8:30pm
Istanbul (TRT):  8:30-10:30pm
March 3rd, Thurs New York (EST): 12:30-3pm
Paris (CET): 6:30-9pm
Istanbul (TRT): 7:30-10pm
March 4-5-6th, Fri-Sat-Sun New York (EST): 8-10:30am + 12:30-3pm
Paris (CET): 2-4:30pm + 6:30-9pm
Istanbul (TRT): 4-6:30pm + 8:30-11pm
March 10th, Thurs New York (EST): 12:30-2:30pm
Paris (CET): 6:30-8:30pm
Istanbul (TRT):  8:30-10:30pm
Mar 11-12-13th, Fri-Sat-Sun New York (EST): 8-10:30am + 12:30-3pm
Paris (CET): 2-4:30pm + 6:30-9pm
Istanbul (TRT): 4-6:30pm + 8:30-11pm
CARE 2 Workshops #1-4 Dates TBD TBD
CARE 3 Sep 8-11 & 15-18 2022 Same times as above (workshops tbd)
CARE 4 Mar 2-5, 9-12 2023 Same times as above (workshops tbd)
CARE 5 Sep 14-17, 21-24 2023 Same times as above (workshops tbd)
CARE 6 Mar 14-17, 21-24 2024 Same times as above (workshops tbd)

The whole training will be recorded and an online platform will be provided to review any part of the course.

It is possible to participate only in CARE 1 + 2 without committing to the full 3-year training.


4 Payment Options

CARE 1 training is now over.

  1. CARE 1 + 2  fee in 8 intallments (4x €200):
    • Installment #1 due November 15 2021: €200
    • Installment #2 due December 15 2021: €200
    • Installment #3 due January 15 2022: €200
    • Installment #4 due February 15 2022: €200
    • Installment #5 due March 15 2022: €200
    • Installment #6 due April 15 2022: €200
    • Installment #7 due May 15 2022: €200
    • Installment #8 due June 1 2022: €200
  2. 1-year fee (CARE 1 + CARE 2) in one transfer (10% off): €1485, save €165!
  3. 3-year fee (all 6 modules: CARE 1-6) in one transfer (15% off): €4208, save €742!

Please note the fee covers all costs (module + workshops + mentor sessions) except personal and group sessions (total of 18h required over 3-year training certification):

  • 1 Personal session = 1h (sliding scale €80-120 per session)
  • 1 Group session = 0.5h (sliding scale €30-60 per session)

Registering for CARE 1+2 is not a binding commitment to pursue further CARE modules.


  • REFER A FRIEND: If you have registered for the training, and you refer another participant to this training, you can benefit from a 20% reduction of your training fee for CARE 1+2. Please note his offer is not cumulative, and you cannot be referred by the person you refer. Contact us for more information. May we all be supported & healed!
  • Please see scroll down below for all other discount options in the registration form.


Included in the training Free benefits as soon as you register

If you register before  the beginning of  the first training module, you will receive FREE access to the E-Learning NeuroSystemics Series (worth €295), a 15-hour self-paced video-training laying out the theoretical and practical frameworks for resiliency, empowerment and awakening.


Limited spaces available: currently we have 21 fully-paying participants, and 30 fully-paying participants is our limit!


Boaz B. Feldman, Founder of NeuroSystemics Dharma

Boaz; dünya genelinde pozitif bir değişim için çaba gösteren deneyimli bir psikolog, önemli bir konuşmacı ve bütüncül bir eğitmendir. Çok sayıda insani projede (Afganistan, Burkina Faso), düşük gelir ortamlarında (Doğu Avrupa) ve doğal acil durum hallerinde (Tayland) pek çok uluslararası kuruluşta (UNHCR, UNOCHA, WHO, Sınır Tanımayan Doktorlar) çalıştı.

Heath Wilson, Faculty (NSP)

25 yılı aşkın bir süredir çalışmakta olan Heath, psikolog, travma tedavi uzmanı, rolf (derin kas masajı tekniği) uygulayıcısı, kranyoSakral terapist, enneagram danışmanı, flört/ilişki koçu olarak uzmanlığını sürdürüyor.

Olga Klimecki, Visiting Faculty

Olga studied Psychology and Neuroscience, and she is currently guest professor at TU Dresden and leads a team of researchers at the University of Geneva. Olga and her teams are investigating the impact of meditation training on healthy ageing, conflict resolution brain plasticity, emotions, and social behavior.

Molyn Leszcz, Consulting Faculty

Psikiyatr & Amerikan Grup Psikoterapi Derneği Başkanı


Bas Snippert

Bas bütünleyici danışman, koç ve eğitmendir. Somatik Deneyimleme, Organic Intelligence ve NeuroAffective Relational Model gibi en son modaliteler konusunda eğitim aldı.

Danny Cohen

Danny Cohen İsrail’de yaşıyor. İnsan deneyiminden ve bu deneyimlerin kalbi/zihni şifalandırma ve geliştirme gibi dönüştürücü olma olasılıklarından derinden etkileniyor.

Silke Foegele, Mentor (NSP)

Silke sertifikalı tamamlayıcı terapisttir ve hem kranyoSakral terapist hem de fizyoterapist olarak eğitilmiştir.

Rebekka Haas Çetin, Assisting Faculty (NSP)

Rebekka evli ve 4 çocukludur. Boaz Feldman tarafından kurulan NeuroSystemics programında Sinir Sistemi Güçlendirme Grubu kolaylaştırıcısı, yoga ve meditasyon eğitmeni.

Buğu Türkoğul, Senior Mentor (NSP)

Buğu, biyoloji mezunu Mindfulness eğitmeni, hem Organic Intelligence hem de Mindfulness temelli yaşam koçluğu seansları veren sertifikalı bir koçtur.

  • Gün: 3 Mart 2022
  • Dil(ler): English
  • Zaman: Beginning March 3rd: 12:30-3pm New York (EST), 6:30-9pm Paris (CEST), 7:30-10pm Istanbul (TRT)
  • İletişim:
  • Register Until: 03 Mart 2022

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