Girdi yapan

Leading a group to neural wholeness

One of the most important benefits of a group is co-regulation, and the good news it that our brains are neurally wired for it. Regulation is the ability to skillfully balance and assume volitional capacity on a particular system (i.e. attention, breathing, emotions, cognition and/or a group of people). In NeuroSystemics we have a gradual, […]

Why Relationships Matter

There is emerging consensus in the field of psychotherapy that relationships matter more than techniques. Over 60 years of empirical data of clinical practice, insights in quantum physics, contemplative and complexity sciences all back this up. How can we make sense of these findings and adapt our clinical interventions accordingly to harness the breadth of […]

Foundations of Soulmaking Dharma – A BCBS online study and practice course guided by Catherine McGee – Oct to Dec 2019

If you would like to further your grounding in the foundations of Soulmaking Dharma and that whole paradigm,  Rob Burbea would suggest that you consider joining Catherine’s online Foundations of Soulmaking Dharma course (Oct 20 – Dec 20 2019; see Barre Center for Buddhist Studies BCBS program for more info). The intention for Catherine’s online […]

Ouverture du Centre Otium à Genève

Programmes de Pleine Conscience au Centre Otium à Genève. Le 15 Juin 2018 le Centre Otium ouvre ses portes à Genève. Offrir aux malades et à leurs proches un lieu unique ou ils trouveront tout ce dont ils ont besoin pour mieux vivre avec et après le cancer. Unique à Genève et en Europe, ce […]


Presentation at the Happy at Work Forum 2018

Every day, billions of dollars are wasted and thousands of deals are lost because employees are overwhelmed, burned out, or simply no longer care to make efforts that advance their organisation. As you’re faced with employee burnout, the blending of cultures and generations, and the consistent push for innovation, you’re also challenged to rethink old […]

Mindfulness in humanitarian context – child protection project

In June 2018, Monica completed the first year-long mindfulness programme with 64 teachers and social workers in Ukraine, Romania and Moldova. As part of an innovative multifaceted child protection project, mindfulness supports educators to embody and model attitudes and behaviours that encourage positive growth in children. The goal: to achieve long-term impacts by investing in […]